Working together for Unity and Solidarity for Victims of War

Chaplain services were held on October 19th at the Miami VA Main Chapel. Our very own, Rabbi David Gold of L’Chaim Hospice, was a guest speaker along with Imam Bilal Karakira.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski’s recent statement on the outbreak of violence in Israel, “The situation in Israel after Saturday’s terrorist attacks on innocent citizens causes great apprehension and sorrow among all people of good will. The Catholic community of South Florida expresses its condolences to all who have suffered the loss of loved ones this week in Israel where violence has caused hundreds of deaths and injuries. We stand in solidarity with those suffering from these events. We hope for a swift and just resolution of this conflict. And we pray for a lasting peace for all”

Mishkan Miami

The Jewish custom is to visit a cemetery where our loved ones are buried before the Jewish Holidays. Yesterday, September 10th, L’Chaim Hospice, a program of catholic hospice, co-sponsored the event, with the Jewish Federation, in four locations in Miami-Dade counties. Local clergy, chaplains and cantors lead the memorial, giving words of encouragement, inspiration, and meaningful lessons for the participations. We also provided apple sauce and honey packages for all whom attended. Wishing each one a Happy and healthy Jewish New Year.

It Ain’t Over Until It Is Over: Shortening Rosh Hashanah Services

L’Chaim Hospice’s Rabbi Nathan Rose is hosting another course titled, “It Ain’t Over Until It Is Over: Shortening Rosh Hashanah Services” in collaboration with Bet Shira Congregation in Miami! The course will be hosted on Wednesday, September 6, virtually at 7:30 p.m. and Thursday, September 7, virtually and in-person at Bet Shira Congregation at 11:30 a.m. See the flyer above for more details and how to join! For questions about the course, contact our team at

For questions about the event, please contact Orit.


IMPORTANT SUPPORT GROUP UPDATE! There will be no support groups in June through September at the Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center in Aventura due to their summer programming and high holidays. Support groups at this location will resume on October 6th. We will continue to host our other support groups as scheduled.

For more information about this group or our other support groups offered to the community, please contact our team at or (305) 525-7818.

Music Therapy

Join us every other Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a Music Therapy Support Group with our very own Music Therapist, Aitor Lujan Rodriguez! Groups are held in collaboration with Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center in Aventura.
Registration is required. Check out the flyer for more information!
